Update on Uyogo Projects – January 2025

The solar water scheme is finally complete. As other schemes have suffered the theft of solar panels and associated items, a fence has been constructed around the compound housing the solar building and electrical equipment. It is understood that a security guard is also on duty.

Fence around the Solar Build Compound
The Completed Solar Building

The water points have been fitted with pre-paid card readers, so that a measured bucket full of water is delivered. This ensures that the available water is used efficiently and shared fairly.

The video shown in the May 2024 update has been updated to show a water distribution point in use.

The process of manufacturing re-useable sanitary pads continues well.

Sufficient pads have been produced for all school girls and this supply is expected to last over the first quarter of 2025.

The production of re-useable sanitary pads
Distribution of the sanitary pads

Funds have been sent to complete the electrical wiring and plumbing within the maternity unit building.

Two further poles are required to extend the Tanesco electricity supply to the maternity unit. It is hoped that the Tanzanian government will pay for the extension of the electricity supply.

The Maternity Unit Building
Inside the Maternity Unit
The Maternity Unit Sinks

In September 2024, Jane Cunningham (KUFL Vice-Chair) visited Zanzibar and met up with friends of Lucky’s wife, Anande.

Gifts of sports shirts, book and games, some of which were kindly donated by Kenilworth School, were passed over. When she next visited Zanzibar, Anande brought the gifts back to Uyogo, where they were distributed to student and staff at Umiki School.

Jane handing over the gifts
The gifts received by staff and pupils at Umiki School