Over the years KUFL has built classrooms and teachers’ houses in Uyogo village and in two other villages in Uyogo Ward, Kasela and Igembensabo.
In 2019 the Tanzanian government announced free primary schooling for all children and an expansion in secondary schools. Resulting from this KUFL have supported the local villagers to built two new classrooms at Kasela Primary School and run a scheme whereby all girl pupils at Umiki Secondary School, who would otherwise need to walk a large distance to school, have been given access to a bike.
KUFL’s partnership with Kenilworth School has resulted in fundraising for the bike project, the supply of surplus books and the provision of AV equipment to enhance the Umiki Secondary facilities. Links between Kenilworth School and Umiki Secondary school have allowed pupils to correspond and share information on life experiences in the two locations.
Two Classrooms for Kasela Primary School
Prior to the development of the two new classrooms, pupils have had to sit under trees for their lessons.
The buildings were structurally completed at the end of 2020, but KUFL have since funded wire mesh and netting over the windows which will prevent dust and insects from getting into the buildings.
Besides being used for education, the buildings are used in the evenings and at other times for village events and the relaying of information.

The videos below shows the installation of the ceiling and windows and a view of school life in and around the classrooms:
Classroom for Igembensabo Primary School
Following the successful joint village and KUFL project to build classrooms at Kasela Primary School, the villagers of Igembensabo (in Uyogo Ward) are seeking support to complete their Primary School.
The building shell is well developed and KUFL are supporting the purchase of corrugated iron roofing, windows, door frames and paint etc. to complete the classroom.

Buy a Bike Project for Umiki Secondary School
Whilst an increased number of girls are now able to attend Secondary School, they may travel up to 22km from neighbouring communities and are in significant danger of being attacked. By having access to bikes, the girls can cycle safely, and more quickly, to school in groups, making a huge difference to their lives and their education.
This project was launched in 2020 by Cllr Richard Dickson, whilst being Mayor of Kenilworth, as one of his charities for the year. People are invited to donate and £50 will buy a complete bike.
Kenilworth School students and staff, raised enough money though individual cycling challenges and a non uniform day to fund 31 more bikes and overall there are now sufficient bikes for girls in all four years at Umiki Secondary School.
All bikes are bought locally in Tanzania and clearly marked as a KUFL bike. Before being supplied with a bike, the parents of the girls undertake to look after bike and return it for re-allocation after the 4th year of school.

The video below shows the arrival and distribution of the bikes:
The project is now being extended to provide bikes to boys who either walk long distances (often greater than 20km) or who live with a disability, to get to and from school each day.
KUFL Partnership with Kenilworth School
Each year the sixth form ‘Urban Sounds of Uyogo’ (USU) Organising Group publicises what life is like for their school student peers in Uyogo, throughout the whole of Kenilworth School. During the school’s Africa Week, in February, the USU group organises events to raise funds for KUFL and another charity working in Africa. In addition, lots of individual school pupils organise their own sponsored challenges.
Kenilworth Books allow Kenilworth School’s USU Organising committee to design an Africa-themed shop window display during Africa Week. This raises the profile of both Africa Week and KUFL.
Besides raising funds and awareness for Uyogo, the Kenilworth school students benefit through their activities and the knowledge that they are directly improving another student’s life chances.