Members of the committee had a most enjoyable day on Saturday 26th December, meeting people who visited our KUFL stall, at the Kenilworth Christmas Market, in Talisman Square.
Once again, we set up the models, so skilfully created by our Vice-Chair – Jane, of the various building and water projects, found in Uyogo. These, along with posters and photographs, provided the focus from which to explain the history of KUFL and the various schemes, both completed and ongoing

Besides raising awareness of KUFL, which provides a mutually beneficial link between Kenilworth and Uyogo, we received several donations, handed out copies of our 2023 Christmas Newsletter and established a connection with several people, who showed an interest in subscribing to receive further information or joining the KUFL committee.
Although cold, the day was dry. With the help of the various stalls, along with musical accompaniment, proficiently provided by a very lively choir, the people visiting the Kenilworth Christmas Market had a good day out!